Engineering Mathematics


Kee-Youn Yoo


January 11, 2025


Chemical engineering occupies a unique position at the interface between molecular sciences and engineering. Intimately linked with the fundamental subjects of chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics — and in close collaboration with fellow engineering disciplines like materials science, computer science, and mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering — chemical engineering offers unparalleled opportunities to do great things


Part I

Part II

Scientific Computing in Python

Ploting and Data Analysis in Python


  • D.G. Zill and W.S. Wright, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th ed., Jones and Bartlett, 2022.
  • E.A. Coddington, An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall, 1961. (Dover Publications Inc., 1989 - Unabridged, corrected republication)
  • G.E. Shilov, Linear Algebra, Prentice-Hall, 1971. (Dover Publications Inc., 1977 - Unabridged republication)
  • S.J. Farlow, Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, John Wiely & Sons, 1982. (Dover Publications Inc., 1993 – Unabridged, corrected republication)
  • H.F. Weinberger, A First Course in Partial Differential Equations with Complex Variables and Transform Methods, Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1965. (Dover Publications Inc., 1995 - New edition)
  • R. Johansson, Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, Scipy and Matplotlib, 2nd ed., Apress, 2018.