from sympy import Symbol, init_printing
from sympy.solvers import solve
= Symbol('x')
x 3*x**3 +5*x**2 +10*x -4, x) solve(
\(\displaystyle \left[ \frac{1}{3}, \ -1 - \sqrt{3} i, \ -1 + \sqrt{3} i\right]\)
In an initial-value problem (IVP), \(\,\) we seek a solution \(y(x)\) of a \(n\)th order linear DE so that \(y(x)\) satisfies initial conditions at \(x_0\)
\(n\)th order linear DE: \(\;a_n(x) \neq 0\)
\[\underbrace{a_n(x) \frac{d^ny}{dx^n} +a_{n-1}(x) \frac{d^{n-1}y}{dx^{n-1}} +\cdots + a_1(x) \frac{dy}{dx} +a_0(x) y}_{L(y): ~\mathrm{Linear\;Operator}}= g(x) \]
Initial conditions
\[y(x_0) = y_0, \; y'(x_0) = y_1, \cdots, \; y^{(n-1)}(x_0) = y_{n-1}\]
Boundary-value problem (BVP) consists of solving a linear DE of order 2 or greater, in which the dependent variable \(y\) or its derivatives are specified at different points
For example,
\[a_2(x) \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} +a_1(x) \frac{dy}{dx} +a_0(x)y=g(x)\]
Boundary conditions
\[y(x_0)=y_0, \;y(x_1)=y_1\]
The sum, or superposition , of two or more solutions of a homogeneous linear DE is also a solution
Any set of \(n\) linearly independent solutions \(y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_n\) of the \(n\)th order homogeneous linear DE on interval \(~I\) is a fundamental set of solutions
If two functions are linearly dependent, then one is a constant multiple of the other (otherwise, they are linearly independent)
If \(\{y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_n\}\) are a set of linearly independent functions, the Wronskian function is not singular:
\[ W(y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_n)= \begin{vmatrix} y_1 & y_2 & \cdots & y_n \\ y_1' & y_2' & \cdots & y_n'\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\ y_1^{(n-1)} & y_2^{(n-1)} & \cdots & y_n^{(n-1)} \end{vmatrix} \neq 0 \]
General solution of \(~n\)th order homogeneous linear DE is
\[y(x)=c_1 y_1(x) +c_2 y_2(x) + \cdots + c_n y_n(x)\]
where \(\,y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_n\,\) is a fundamental set of solutions and \(c_i, \;i=1,2,\cdots,n\;\) are arbitrary constants
General solution of \(n\)th order nonhomogeneous linear DE is
\[y(x)=c_1 y_1(x) +c_2 y_2(x) + \cdots + c_n y_n(x) +y_p(x)\]
where \(\,y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_n\,\) is a fundamental set of solutions, \(\,y_p\) is a particular solution, and \(\,c_i, \;i=1,2,\cdots,n\;\) are arbitrary constants
Example \(\,\) Given that \(\,x(t)=c_1\cos\omega t +c_2 \sin\omega t~\) is the general solution of \(x''+\omega^2x=0~\) on the interval \((-\infty,\infty)\), \(\,\) show that a solution satisfying the initial conditions \(x(0)=x_0\), \(x'(0)=x_1\), is given by
\[x(t)=x_0\cos\omega t+\frac{x_1}{\omega} \sin\omega t\]
Example \(\,\) Determine whether the given set of functions is linearly dependent or linearly independent on the interval \((-\infty,\infty)\)
\[f_1(x)=x, ~f_2(x)=x^2, ~f_3(x)=4x-3x^2\]
\[f_1(x)=5, ~f_2(x)=\cos^2 x, ~f_3(x)=\sin^2 x\]
Example \(\,\) Verify that the given functions form a fundamental set of solutions of the differential equation on the indicated interval. Form the general solution of the equation
\[y''-y'-12y=0; \;\; e^{-3x}, \; e^{4x}, \;\;(-\infty,\infty)\]
\[y''-2y'+5y=0; \;\;e^x \cos 2x, \;\; e^x\sin 2x, \;\;(-\infty,\infty)\]
Example \(\,\) Verify that the given two-parameter family of functions is the general solution of the nonhomogeneous differential equation on the indicated interval
\[y''-7y'+10y=24e^x; \;\;y=c_1 e^{2x} +c_2 e^{5x} +6e^x; \;\;(-\infty,\infty)\]
\[y''-4y'+4y=2e^{2x} +4x-12; \;\;y=c_1 e^{2x} +c_2 xe^{2x} +x^2e^{2x} +x -2; \;\;(-\infty,\infty)\]
Reduction of order can be used to reduce a linear second-order DE with known solution \(y_1\) into a linear first-order DE, which can be solved for a second solution \(y_2\)
Applying reduction of order \(y_2 = u(x) y_1\) to the standard form of a second-order linear homogeneous DE
\[y''+P(x)y' +Q(x)y=0\]
\[ \begin{aligned} y_1 u'' & +\left(2y_1' +P(x)y_1\right) u' = 0\\ &\Downarrow \;{\scriptsize\times\, y_1, \; u'=w}\\ (y_1^2 w)' &= -(y_1^2 w) P(x) \\ &\Downarrow \\ \color{red}{y_2(x)} &\color{red}{= y_1(x) {\LARGE\int} {\small\frac{\exp\left(-{\displaystyle\int} P(x) \,dx \right)}{y_1^2(x)} \,dx}} \end{aligned}\]
Example \(\,\) The indicated function \(y_1(x)\) is a solution of the given equation. Use the reduction of order to find a second solution \(y_2(x)\)
\(y'' -4y' +4y=0; \;\;y_1=e^{2x}\)
\(y''+16y=0; \;\; y_1=\cos 4x\)
\(y''-y=0; \;\; y_1=\cosh x\)
Example \(\,\) The indicated function \(y_1(x)\) is a solution of the associated homogeneous equation. Use the reduction of order to find a second solution \(y_2(x)\) of homogeneous equation and a particular solution \(y_p(x)\) of the given nonhomogeneous equation
\[y''-4y=2; \;\;y_1=e^{-2x}\]
The general solution of \(ay''+by'+cy=0\,\) is found by substituting \(\,y=e^{\,px}\) and solving the resulting characteristic equation \(\,ap^2+bp+c=0\,\) for roots \(\color{red}{p_1}\) and \(\color{red}{p_2}\)
Case I \(~\) \(p_1\) and \(\,p_2\) are real and distinct
\[y = c_1 {\color{red}{e^{\,p_1 x}}} +c_2 {\color{red}{e^{\,p_2 x}}}\]
Case II \(~\) \(p_1\) and \(\,p_2\) are real and equal
\[y=c_1 {\color{red}{e^{\,p_1x}}} +c_2 \color{red}{x e^{\,p_1 x}}\]
Case III \(~\) \(p_1\) and \(\,p_2\) are complex conjugate: \(~p_1, p_2 = \color{red}{\alpha} \pm i\color{red}{\beta}\)
\[y={\color{red}{e^{\alpha x}}} \left(c_1 {\color{red}{\cos\beta x}} +c_2 {\color{red}{\sin\beta x}} \right)\]
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~y'' +\omega^2y=0\,\) and \(\,y'' -\omega^2y=0\)
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~3y'''+5y''+10y'-4y=0\)
from sympy import Symbol, init_printing
from sympy.solvers import solve
= Symbol('x')
x 3*x**3 +5*x**2 +10*x -4, x) solve(
\(\displaystyle \left[ \frac{1}{3}, \ -1 - \sqrt{3} i, \ -1 + \sqrt{3} i\right]\)
Example \(\,\) Find the general solution of the given second-order differential equation
\(4y'' +y'=0\)
\(y'' +8y' +16y=0\)
Example \(\,\) Find the general solution of the given higher-order differential equation
\(y''' -4y'' -5y'=0\)
\(y''' -5y'' +3y' +9y=0\)
Example \(\,\) Solve the initial-value problem
\(y''' +12y'' +36y'=0, \;\;y(0)=0, \;y'(0)=1, \; y''(0)=-7\)
Method of undetermined coefficients can be used to obtain a particular solution \(y_p\)
The underlying idea is a conjecture about the form of \(y_p\) based on the kinds of functions making up the input function \(g(x)\)
Limited to nonhomogeneous linear DEs where
There are models of \(y_p\) for various functions
Finally, the general solution is obtained from the superposition of \(y_h\) and \(y_p\)
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~y'' +4y = x\cos x\)
If \(g(x)\) consists of a sum of, say, \(m\) terms of the kind listed in the table, \(~\)then the assumption for a particular solution \(y_p\) consists of the sum of the trial forms
If \(\,y_p\) contains terms that duplicate terms in \(y_h\), \(\,\)then that \(y_p\) must be multiplied by \(x^n\), \(~\)where \(n\) is the smallest positive integer that eliminate that duplication
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~y'' -6y' +9y = 6x^2 +2 -12e^{3x}\)
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~y^{(4)}+y'''= 1 -x^2e^{-x}\)
Example \(\,\) Solve the given differential equation by undetermined coefficients
\(y'' +2y' +y=\sin x +3 \cos 2x\)
\(y'' +2y' -24y=16 - (x+2)e^{4x}\)
\(y''' -6y''=3-\cos x\)
Example \(\,\) Solve the given initial-value problem
\(y'' +4y=-2, \;\;y(\pi/8)=1/2, \;\;y'(\pi/8) = 2\)
\(5y'' +y'=-6x, \;\;y(0)=0, \; y'(0)=-10\)
\(\displaystyle \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} +\omega^2x=F_0 \sin\omega t, \;\; x(0)=0, \;x'(0)=0\)
The method of variation of parameters can be used with linear higher-order DEs
This method always yields a \(y_p\) provided the homogeneous equation can be solved
This method is not limited to the types of input functions constraining the method of undetermined coefficients
To adapt the method of variation of parameters to a linear second-order DE
\[a_2(x)y'' +a_1(x)y' +a_0(x)y = g(x),\]
we put the above equation in the standard form
\[y'' +P(x)y' +Q(x)y = f(x)\] To solve,
Find the homogeneous solutions \(y_1\), \(y_2\)
Seek a particular solution of the form
\[y_p = \color{red}{u_1(x)} \color{blue}{y_1} +\color{red}{u_2(x)} \color{blue}{y_2}\]
\[ \begin{aligned} y_p''+P(x)y_p' &+Q(x)y_p = f(x)\\ &{\Big\Downarrow} \; {\small y_p = u_1 y_1 +u_2 y_2} \\ \frac{d}{dx}[\color{blue}{y_1 u_1' +y_2 u_2'}] +P(x) [\color{blue}{y_1 u_1' +y_2 u_2'}] &+\color{red}{y_1' u_1'} +\color{red}{y_2' u_2'}= f(x) \\ {\small\text{let } y_1 u_1' +y_2 u_2' =0,}\; &{\Big\Downarrow} \; {\small\text{then } y_1' u_1' +y_2' u_2'= f(x)} \\ \color{red}{\begin{bmatrix} y_1 & y_2\\ y_1' & y_2' \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} u_1' \\ u_2' \end{bmatrix}} &= \color{red}{\begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ f(x) \end{bmatrix}} \\ &\Downarrow \\ \qquad\quad\color{blue}{u_1 = \displaystyle\int \frac{W_1}{W\;} \,dx =-\int \frac{y_2}{W}\,f(x)\,dx}&, \;\; \color{blue}{u_2} \color{blue}{= \displaystyle\int \frac{W_2}{W\;} \,dx =\int \frac{y_1}{W}\,f(x)\,dx}\\ \\ \mathrm{where} \;\; W = \begin{vmatrix} y_1 & y_2\\ y_1' & y_2' \end{vmatrix}, \; W_1 =& \begin{vmatrix} 0 & y_2\\ f(x) & y_2' \end{vmatrix}, \; W_2 = \begin{vmatrix} y_1 & 0\\ y_1' & f(x) \end{vmatrix} \end{aligned}\]
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~\displaystyle y'' -y = \frac{1}{x}\)
The method can be generalized to the standard form of \(n\)th order linear DE. \(\,\) A particular solution is
\[y_p = u_1(x) y_1 +u_2(x) y_2 +\cdots +u_n(x) y_n\]
\[u_k = \displaystyle\int \frac{W_k}{W\;}\, dx, \;k=1, 2, \cdots, n\]
Example \(\,\) Solve each differential equation by variation of parameters
\(y'' +y=\sec x\)
\(y'' +y=\sin x\)
\(y'' +y=\cos^2 x\)
\(3y''-6y'+6y=e^x \sec x\)
Example \(\,\) Solve each differential equation by variation of parameters subject to the initial conditions \(y(0)=1, \;y'(0)=0\)
\(4y'' -y=xe^{x/2}\)
\(y''-2y'+y=e^x \sec^2 x\)
\(y'' +2y' -8y=2e^{-2x} -e^{-x}\)
Example \(\,\) Solve each differential equation by variation of parameters subject to the initial conditions \(y(0)=1, \;y'(0)=0\)
\(\displaystyle y''-4y=\frac{e^{2x}}{x}\)
\(2y'' +2y' +y=4\sqrt{x}\)
The Cauchy-Euler equation is a linear DE of the form
\[ a_n {\color{red}{x^n}} \frac{d^n y}{dx^n} +a_{n-1} {\color{red}{x^{n-1}}} \frac{d^{n-1} y}{dx^{n-1}} +\cdots +a_1 {\color{red}{x}} \frac{dy}{dx} +a_0 y = g(x)\]
where \(a_n, a_{n-1}, \cdots, a_0\) are constants and the exponent of the coefficient matches the order of differentiation
\(\color{red}{y =x^{\,p}}\) is a solution of second order Cauchy-Euler equation whenever \(p\) is a solution of the auxiliary equation
\[a_2 p^2 +(a_1 -a_2)p +a_0 =0\]
Case I: \(~\) Distinct Real Roots, \(~p_1, \,p_2\)
\[ y = c_1 {\color{red}{x^{\,p_1}}} +c_2 {\color{red}{x^{\,p_2}}} \]
Case II: \(~\) Repeated Real Roots, \(~p_1=p_2\)
\[y = c_1 {\color{red}{x^{\,p_1}}} +c_2 {\color{red}{x^{\,p_1}\ln x}}\]
Case III: \(~\) Complex Conjugate Roots, \(~p_1, p_2 = \color{red}{\alpha \pm i\beta}\)
\[y = {\color{red}{x^{\alpha}}} \left[ c_1 {\color{red}{\cos(\beta\ln x)}} + c_2 {\color{red}{\sin(\beta\ln x)}} \right]\]
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~x^2y'' -3xy' +3y = 2x^4 e^x\)
Example \(\,\) Solve the given differential equation
Example \(\,\) Solve the given differential equation by variation of parameters
\(x^2y''+xy'-y=\ln x\)
Example \(\,\) Verify that \(y_1\) and \(y_2\) are solutions of the given DE but that \(c_1 y_1 +c_2 y_2\) is, in general, not a solution
\[\left(y''\right)^2 = y^2,\; y_1=e^x,\; y_2=\cos x\]
The major difference between linear and nonlinear DEs of order two or higher lies in the realm of solvability. Nonlinear higher-order DEs virtually defy solution. This means that there are no analytical methods whereby either an explicit or implicit solution can be found
There are still things that can be done; \(~\)we can always analyze a nonlinear DE qualitatively and numerically
Nonlinear second-order DE \(F(y, y', y'')=0\,\) can be reduced to two first-order equations by means of the substitution \(u=y'\) and can sometimes be solved using first-order methods
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~y''=2x(y')^2\) and \(yy''=(y')^2\)
Example \(\,\) Solve \(~y''=x +y -y^2\), \(\,y(0)=-1\), \(\,y'(0)=1\) by using
\[y(x) = y(0) +\frac{y'(0)}{1!}x +\frac{y''(0)}{2!}x^2 +\frac{y'''(0)}{3!} x^3 + \cdots\]
Example \(\,\) The dependent variable \(y\) is missing in the given differential equation. Solve the equation by using the substitution \(u=y'\)
Example \(\,\) The independent variable \(x\) is missing in the given differential equation. Solve the equation by using the substitution \(u=y'\)
Example \(\,\) Consider the initial-value problem
Example \(\,\) Show that the substitution \(u=y'\) leads to a Bernoulli equation. Solve this equation
Several dynamical systems are modeled with linear 2nd-order DEs with constant coefficients and initial conditions at \(t_0\)
\[ \begin{aligned} m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2} &= -kx -\beta\frac{dx}{dt} +f(t)\\ x(0) &= x_0 \\ \dot{x}(0) &= x_1 \end{aligned}\]
Example \(\,\) Show that the solution of the initial-value problem
\[\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}+\omega^2x=F_0\cos\gamma t, \;x(0)=0, \;x'(0)=0\]
is \(~\displaystyle x(t)=\frac{F_0}{\omega^2-\gamma^2}(\cos\gamma t -\cos\omega t)\)
Example \(\,\) Evaluate \(\,\displaystyle \lim_{\gamma \to \omega} \frac{F_0}{\omega^2-\gamma^2} (\cos\gamma t - \cos\omega t)\)
Example \(\,\) Temperature in a Ring
The temperature \(u(r)\) in circular ring is determined from the boundary-value problem
\[r\frac{d^2 u}{dr^2} +\frac{du}{dr}=0,\; u(a)=u_0,\; u(b)=u_1\]
We shall consider the self-adjoint form
\[ \color{red}{\frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x)\frac{du}{dx} \right] +q(x)u = -f(x)} \tag{SA}\label{eq:SA} \]
The function \(p(x)\) is continuously differentiable and positive, and \(q(x)\) and \(f(x)\) are continuous for \(\alpha < x < \beta\)
The homogeneous second-order differential equation
\[ \frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x)\frac{dv}{dx} \right] +q(x)v = 0 \tag{SH}\label{eq:SH} \]
has exactly two linearly independent solutions \(v_1(x)\) and \(v_2(x)\): any solution of \(\eqref{eq:SH}\) can be written in the form
\[v(x) = c_1 v_1(x) +c_2 v_2(x)\]
where \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are constants
We now consider the function
\[ w(x) = v_1(x) {\color{blue}{\int_\alpha^x v_2(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi}} -v_2(x) {\color{blue}{\int_\alpha^x v_1(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi}}\]
Differentiating \(w\), \(~\)we have
\[\scriptsize \begin{aligned} \frac{dw}{dx} &= v_1'(x) {\color{blue}{\int_\alpha^x v_2(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi}} -v_2'(x) {\color{blue}{\int_\alpha^x v_1(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi}} + \underbrace{\left[ v_1(x) {\color{blue}{v_2(x)}} -v_2(x) {\color{blue}{v_1(x)}} \right]}_{=0} {\color{blue}{f(x)}}\\ &= v_1'(x) {\color{blue}{\int_\alpha^x v_2(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi}} -v_2'(x) {\color{blue}{\int_\alpha^x v_1(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi}} \end{aligned}\]
\[ \scriptsize \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx}\left[ p(x)\frac{dw}{dx} \right] &=\underbrace{\frac{d}{dx}\left[ p(x)v_1'(x) \right]}_{-q(x)v_1} \int_\alpha^x v_2(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi -\underbrace{\frac{d}{dx}\left[ p(x)v_2'(x) \right]}_{-q(x) v_2} \int_\alpha^x v_1(\xi) f(\xi)\, d\xi \\ &\phantom{=}+\underbrace{p(x) \left[ v_1'(x) v_2(x) -v_2'(x) v_1(x) \right]}_{-K} f(x) \\ &=-q(x) w -Kf(x) \end{aligned}\]
\[\scriptsize \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} &\left\{p(x) \left[ v_1'(x) v_2(x) -v_2'(x) v_1(x) \right] \right\} \\ &= \underbrace{\frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x) v_1'(x) \right]}_{-q(x) v_1(x)} v_2(x) -\underbrace{\frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x) v_2'(x) \right]}_{-q(x)v_2(x)} v_1(x) +p(x)v_1'(x)v_2'(x) -p(x)v_2'(x)v_1'(x) = 0 \\ &\Downarrow \\ \\ K & \text{ is constant} \end{aligned}\]
We have shown that \(w\) satisfies the equation:
\[\frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x)\frac{dw}{dx} \right] +q(x)w = -Kf(x)\]
Moreover, \(\,\) as \(x \rightarrow \alpha\)
Dividing by the constant \(K\), \(\,\) we find that the function
\[u(x) = \int_\alpha^x R(x,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \tag{IN}\label{eq:IN}\]
\[\scriptsize \color{blue}{R(x,\xi)=\frac{v_1(x)v_2(\xi) - v_2(x)v_1(\xi)}{K}} =-\frac{v_1(x)v_2(\xi) - v_2(x)v_1(\xi)}{p(x) \left[ v_1'(x) v_2(x) -v_2'(x) v_1(x) \right]}\]
is the solution of the initial value problem
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x) \frac{du}{dx}\right] +qu &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for } x > \alpha \\ u(\alpha) = u'(\alpha) &= 0 \end{aligned}\]
Since the denominator of \(\,R(x,\xi)\) is a constant, \(\,\)the function \(R(x,\xi)\) satisfies the homogeneous equation \(\eqref{eq:SH}\) as either a function of \(x\) or \(\xi\). In fact,
For a fixed value of \(\xi\), \(~R(x,\xi)\) is completely characterized as the solution of the homogeneous initial value problem
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x) \frac{dR}{dx}\right] &+q(x)R = 0\;\; \text{ for } x > \xi \\ \left. R \right|_{x=\xi} &= 0 \\ \left. R' \right|_{x=\xi} &= -\frac{1}{p(\xi)} \\ \end{aligned}\]
The function \(R(x,\xi)\) describes the influence on the value of \(u\) at \(x\) of a disturbance(impulse) concentrated at \(\xi\). It is sometimes called the influence function, or the one-sided Green’s function
If the values of \(u(\alpha)\) and \(u'(\alpha)\) are prescribed to be other than zero, \(~\)we must simply add a suitable solution \(c_1 v_1(x) +c_2 v_2(x)\) to the expression \(\eqref{eq:IN}\)
Example \(\,\) Consider the problem
\[ \begin{aligned} u'' +u &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for } x > 0 \\ u(0) &= 1 \\ u'(0) &=-1 \\ \end{aligned}\]
Solution \(~u(x) = w(x) +v(x)\)
(1) \(~w(x)\)
\[ \begin{aligned} w'' +w &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for } x > 0 \\ w(0) &= 0 \\ w'(0) &= 0 \\ \end{aligned}\]
For a fixed value of \(\xi\), \(~\)the influence function \(R(x,\xi)\) satisfies
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d^2R}{dx^2} +R &= 0\;\; \text{ for } x > \xi \\ \left. R \right|_{x=\xi} &= 0 \\ \left. R' \right|_{x=\xi} &= -1 \end{aligned}\]
Thus \(~R(x,\xi)=\sin(\xi -x)\,\) and the solution is
\[w(x)=\int_0^x \sin(\xi -x)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi\]
(2) \(~v(x)\)
\[ \begin{aligned} v'' +v &= 0\;\; \text{ for }\, x > 0\;\; \\ v(0) &= 1 \\ v'(0) &=-1 \\ \end{aligned}\]
\[ \begin{aligned} &\Downarrow \\ v(x)&=\cos x -\sin x \end{aligned}\]
Here, we research a two-point boundary value problem:
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x)\frac{du}{dx} \right] +q(x)u &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for } \alpha < x < \beta \\ {\color{blue}{u(\alpha)=u(\beta)}} & {\color{blue}{=0}} \end{aligned} \tag{P1}\label{eq:P1}\]
Writing the general solution in the form
\[u(x) = \int_\alpha^x R(x,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi +c_1 v_1(x) +c_2 v_2(x)\]
we obtain the two equations
\[ \begin{aligned} c_1 v_1(\alpha) +c_2 v_2(\alpha) &= 0\\ c_1 v_1(\beta) +c_2 v_2(\beta) &= -\int_\alpha^\beta R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \end{aligned}\]
These two equations determine a unique pair of constants \(c_1\) and \(c_2\), provided the determinant of their coefficients is not zero; \(~\)that is, provided
\[D \equiv v_1(\alpha)v_2(\beta)-v_2(\alpha)v_1(\beta) \neq 0\]
We assume this for the moment. Then
\[\scriptsize \begin{aligned} c_1 &= \frac{v_2(\alpha)}{D} \int_\alpha^\beta R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \\ &=\frac{v_2(\alpha)}{D} \int_\alpha^x R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi +\frac{v_2(\alpha)}{D} \int_x^\beta R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi\\ c_2 &= -\frac{v_1(\alpha)}{D} \int_\alpha^\beta R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \\ &= -\frac{v_1(\alpha)}{D} \int_\alpha^x R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi -\frac{v_1(\alpha)}{D} \int_x^\beta R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \end{aligned}\]
The solution can then be written as
\[ \begin{aligned} u(x) &= \int_\alpha^x \left[ R(x,\xi) +\frac{v_2(\alpha)v_1(x) -v_1(\alpha)v_2(x)}{D} R(\beta,\xi) \right]\,f(\xi)\,d\xi\\ &+\int_x^\beta \frac{v_2(\alpha)v_1(x) -v_1(\alpha)v_2(x)}{D} R(\beta,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \end{aligned}\]
We find after some algebraic manipulation that
\[\scriptsize \begin{aligned} G(x,\xi) &=R(x,\xi) +\frac{v_2(\alpha)v_1(x) -v_1(\alpha)v_2(x)}{D} R(\beta,\xi) \\ &= \frac{v_1(x)v_2(\xi) - v_2(x)v_1(\xi)}{K} \frac{D}{D} +\frac{v_2(\alpha)v_1(x) -v_1(\alpha)v_2(x)}{D} \frac{v_1(\beta)v_2(\xi) - v_2(\beta)v_1(\xi)}{K}\\ &= \frac{\left[v_1(\alpha)v_2(\xi) -v_2(\alpha)v_1(\xi)\right] \left[v_1(x)v_2(\beta) -v_2(x)v_1(\beta) \right]}{KD}\;\;\text{ for } \xi \leq x \\ \\ G(x,\xi) &=\frac{v_2(\alpha)v_1(x) -v_1(\alpha)v_2(x)}{D} R(\beta,\xi) \\ &= \frac{\left[v_1(x)v_2(\alpha) -v_2(x)v_1(\alpha)\right] \left[v_1(\beta)v_2(\xi) -v_2(\beta)v_1(\xi) \right]}{KD}\;\;\text{ for } \xi \geq x \end{aligned}\]
Then the solution of the two-point boundary value problem \(\eqref{eq:P1}\) can be written in the form
\[u(x)=\int_\alpha^\beta G(x,\xi)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi \tag{GR}\label{eq:GR}\]
The function \(G(x,\xi)\) is called the Green’s function of the problem \(\eqref{eq:P1}\). It is symmetric. That is
To determine the Green’s function, we note that for each \(\xi\) it satisfies the following boundary value problem
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x) \frac{dG}{dx}\right] &+q(x)G = 0\;\; \text{ for } x \neq \xi \\ \left. G \right|_{x=\alpha} &= \left. G \right|_{x=\beta}=0 \\ \left. G \right|_{x=\xi+0} &-\left. G \right|_{x=\xi -0}=0 \\ \left. G' \right|_{x=\xi+0} &-\left. G' \right|_{x=\xi-0}=-\frac{1}{p(\xi)} \\ \end{aligned}\]
Example \(\,\) Consider the problem
\[ \begin{aligned} u'' &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for}\; 0 < x < 1\\ u(0) &= 0 \\ u(1) &= 0 \\ \end{aligned}\]
\[ \begin{aligned} G''= 0 \;&\Rightarrow \; G = ax+b\\ &\Downarrow {\scriptstyle G|_{x=0} = G|_{x=1}=0} \\ G(x,\xi) &= \begin{cases} a_1(\xi)\, x& \text{ for } x < \xi \\ a_2(\xi)(1-x)& \text{ for } x > \xi \end{cases}\\ &\Downarrow {\scriptstyle G(x,\xi)=G(\xi,x)}\\ a_1(\xi)&= A(1 -\xi) \\ a_2(\xi)&=A\xi \\ &\Downarrow {\scriptstyle \left. G' \right|_{x=\xi+0} -\left. G' \right|_{x=\xi-0}=-1}\\ -A\xi -A(1 -\xi) &=-1 \rightarrow A = 1 \\ &\Downarrow \\ G(x,\xi) &= \begin{cases} (1-\xi) x& \text{ for } x \leq \xi \\ \xi(1-x)& \text{ for } x \geq \xi \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]
The solution is
\[u(x)= \int_0^x \xi(1-x)\,f(\xi)\,d\xi +\int_x^1 (1-\xi)x \,f(\xi)\,d\xi\]
Two-point boundary value problems with more general boundary conditions can be treated in the same manner. We consider the problem
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} &\left[ p(x)\frac{du}{dx} \right] +q(x)u = -f(x)\;\; \text{ for } \alpha < x < \beta \\ -&\mu_1 u'(\alpha) +\sigma_1 u(\alpha)=0 \\ &\mu_2 u'(\beta) +\sigma_2 u(\beta)=0 \end{aligned}\tag{P2}\label{eq:P2} \]
The Green’s function \(G(x,\xi)\) is derived as before, provided the condition
\[\scriptsize \begin{aligned} D \equiv &\left[ -\mu_1 v_1'(\alpha) +\sigma_1v_1(\alpha)\right]\left[ \mu_2 v_2'(\beta) +\sigma_2v_2(\beta)\right] \\ &-\left[ -\mu_1 v_2'(\alpha) +\sigma_1v_2(\alpha)\right]\left[ \mu_2 v_1'(\beta) +\sigma_2v_1(\beta)\right]\neq0 \end{aligned}\]
is satisfied
The Green’s function \(G(x,\xi)\) is the solution of the problem
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dx} \left[ p(x) \frac{dG}{dx}\right] &+q(x)G = 0\;\; \text{ for } x \neq \xi \\ -\mu_1\left. G' \right|_{x=\alpha} &+\sigma_1 \left. G\right|_{x=\alpha} = \mu_2\left. G' \right|_{x=\beta} +\sigma_2\left. G \right|_{x=\beta}=0 \\ \left. G \right|_{x=\xi+0} &- \left. G \right|_{x=\xi -0}=0 \\ \left. G' \right|_{x=\xi+0} &-\left. G' \right|_{x=\xi-0}=-\frac{1}{p(\xi)} \\ \end{aligned}\]
It still satisfies the symmetry relation
Example \(\,\) Consider the problem
\[ \begin{aligned} u'' &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for }\, 0 < x < 1\\ u(0) &= 0 \\ u'(1) &+\sigma_2 u(1)= 1 \\ \end{aligned}\]
Solution \(~u(x) = w(x) +v(x)\)
(1) \(~w(x)\)
\[ \begin{aligned} w'' &= -f(x)\;\; \text{ for } 0 < x < 1\\ w(0) &= 0 \\ w'(1) &+\sigma_2 w(1)= 0 \\ \end{aligned}\]
\[ \begin{aligned} G''&= 0\\ &\Downarrow \\ G &= ax+b\\ &\Downarrow {\scriptstyle G|_{x=0} \,=\, G'|_{x=1} \,+\,\sigma_2 G|_{x=1}\,=\,0} \\ G(x,\xi) &= \begin{cases} a_1(\xi)\, x& \text{ for } x < \xi \\ a_2(\xi)\left[1+\sigma_2(1 -x)\right]& \text{ for } x > \xi \end{cases}\\ &\Downarrow {\scriptstyle G(x,\xi)\,=\,G(\xi,x)}\\ a_1(\xi)&= A\left[1 +\sigma_2(1 -\xi)\right] \\ a_2(\xi)&=A\xi \\ &\Downarrow {\scriptstyle \left. G' \right|_{x=\xi+0} \,-\,\left. G' \right|_{x=\xi-0}\,=\,-1}\\ A\xi\cdot-\sigma_2 -A\left[1 +\sigma_2(1 -\xi)\right] &=-1 \rightarrow A = \frac{1}{1+\sigma_2} \\ &\Downarrow \\ G(x,\xi) &= \begin{cases} \frac{\left[ 1+\sigma_2(1 -\xi)\right]\,x}{1+\sigma_2} & \text{ for } x \leq \xi \\ \frac{\xi \,\left[ 1+\sigma_2(1 -x)\right]}{1+\sigma_2} & \text{ for } x \geq \xi \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]
The solution is
\[ w(x)= \int_0^x \frac{\xi \,\left[ 1+\sigma_2(1 -x)\right]}{1+\sigma_2}\,f(\xi)\,d\xi +\int_x^1 \frac{\left[ 1+\sigma_2(1 -\xi)\right]\,x}{1+\sigma_2} \,f(\xi)\,d\xi\]
(2) \(~v(x)\)
\[ \begin{aligned} v'' &= 0\;\; \text{ for }\, 0 < x < 1\\ v(0) &= 0 \\ v'(1) +\sigma_2 v(1)&= 1 \\ \end{aligned}\]
\[ \begin{aligned} &\Downarrow \\ v(x)&=\frac{x}{1+\sigma_2} \end{aligned}\]
Example \(\,\) Consider the problem
\[\begin{aligned} r^2 &u'' +2r u' -n(n +1) u = -r^2 F(r), \;\; 0 < r < R \\ &u(R)= 0, \;\left| u \right| < \infty \end{aligned}\]
\[\scriptsize \begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dr}\left[r^2\frac{dG}{dr} \right] &-n(n+1) G = 0\\ &\Downarrow \\ G &= c_1r^n +c_2r^{-(n+1)} \\ &\Downarrow {\tiny G|_{r=0} \;= \text{ bounded },\; G|_{r=R} \;= 0} \\ G(r,\rho) &= \begin{cases} a_1(\rho) r^n\, & \text{ for } r < \rho \\ a_2(\rho)\left[\left(\frac{r}{R} \right)^{-(n+1)} -\left(\frac{r}{R} \right)^{n} \right]& \text{ for } r > \rho \end{cases}\\ &\Downarrow {\tiny G(r,\rho)=G(\rho,r)}\\ a_1(\rho)&= A\left[\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{-(n+1)} -\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{n} \right] \\ a_2(\rho)&=A\rho^n \\ &\Downarrow {\tiny \left. G' \right|_{r=\rho+0} \;\;-\;\left. G' \right|_{r=\rho-0} \;=-1/\rho^2}\\ {\tiny \frac{A\rho^n}{R} \left[-(n +1)\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{-(n+2)} -n \left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{n-1}\right] -An\rho^{n-1}} &{\tiny \left[\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{-(n+1)} -\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{n}\right] =-\frac{1}{\rho^2} \;\;\rightarrow\;\; A=\frac{1}{(2n +1)R^{n+1}}}\\ &\Downarrow \\ G(r,\rho) &= \begin{cases} \frac{1}{(2n +1)R}\left(\frac{r}{R} \right)^n\left[\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{-(n+1)} -\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^{n} \right] & \text{ for } r \leq \rho \\ \frac{1}{(2n +1)R}\left(\frac{\rho}{R} \right)^n\left[\left(\frac{r}{R} \right)^{-(n+1)} -\left(\frac{r}{R} \right)^{n} \right]& \text{ for } r \geq \rho \end{cases}\\ \end{aligned}\]
The solution is
\[ u(x)= \int_0^R G(r,\rho)\,F(\rho) \rho^2 d\rho\]
In order to analyze an \(n\)th order IVP numerically, \(~\)we express the \(n\)th order ODE as a system of \(n\) first-order equations
For example, \[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = f(x,y,y')&, \;\;y(x_0)=y_0, \;y'(x_0) = y_1\\[5pt] &\big\Downarrow \;{y'=u}\\[5pt] \mathrm{Solve:} &\; \begin{cases} \;y' = u \\ \;u' = f(x,y,u) \end{cases}\\[8pt] \mathrm{subject \;to:} & \;y(x_0)=y_0, \;u(x_0)=y_1 \end{aligned}\]
Example \(\,\) Use a numerical solver to obtain the solution curves satisfying the given initial conditions:
\[\frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} +\frac{dx}{dt} +x +x^3 = 0\]
\[x(0)=-3,\; \dot{x}(0)=4,\; \text{ or }\; x(0)=0,\; \dot{x}(0)=-8\]
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{d^2 x}{dt^2} +\frac{dx}{dt}&= -x -x^3 \\ &\Downarrow \\ \dot{x} &= u\\ \dot{u} &= -x -x^3 -u \end{aligned}\]
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
def func(t, y):
return [y[1], -y[0] -y[0]**3 -y[1]]
= 14
tf = np.linspace(0, tf, 200)
= solve_ivp(func, [0, tf], [-3, 4], t_eval=t_eval)
sol1 = solve_ivp(func, [0, tf], [0, -8], t_eval=t_eval) sol2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
=(6, 4))
0], 'b-', label=r'$x_0=-3,\; \dot{x}_0=4$')
plt.plot(sol1.t, sol1.y[0], 'r-', label=r'$x_0=0,\; \dot{x}_0=-8$')
plt.plot(sol2.t, sol2.y[0, tf, -3, 3))
When physical systems are coupled, the mathematical model of the system usually consists of a set of coupled DEs
\[ \begin{aligned} m_1 \ddot{x}_1 &=-k_1 x_1 +k_2 (x_2 -x_1) \\ m_2 \ddot{x}_2 &=-k_2 (x_2 -x_1) \end{aligned}\]
Linear systems with constant coefficients can be solved by uncoupling the system into distinct linear ODEs in each dependent variable
Example \(\,\) Solve the above equation under the assumption that \(k_1=6\), \(k_2=4\), \(m_1=1\), and \(m_2=1\) subject to
\[x_1(0)=0,\; x'_1(0)=1,\; x_2(0)=0,\; x'_2(0)=-1\]
= 6, 4, 1, 1
k1, k2, m1, m2
def func(t, y):
return [y[1], -(k1 + k2)/m1 * y[0] + k2/m1 * y[2],
3], k2/m2 * y[0] - k2/m2 * y[2]]
= 14
tf = np.linspace(0, tf, 200)
= solve_ivp(func, [0, tf], [0, 1, 0, -1], t_eval=t_eval) sol
=(6, 4))
0], 'b-', label='$x_1$')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[2], 'r-', label='$x_2$')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[0, tf, -0.6, 0.6))