Appendix L — Mandelbrot Set in Python


Original Author: Bartosz Zaczyński


L.1 The Boundary of Iterative Stability

  • Formally, \(\,\)the Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers, \(\color{red}{c}\), for which an infinite sequence of numbers, \(z_0\), \(z_1\), \(\cdots\), \(z_n\), \(\cdots\), remains bounded

\[\begin{aligned} z_0 &= 0\\ z_{n+1} &= z_n^2 + c \end{aligned}\]

  • The entire Mandelbrot set fits in a circle with a radius of two when depicted on the complex plane. This is a handy fact that’ll let you skip many unnecessary calculations for points that certainly don’t belong to the set
def sequence(c):
  z = 0
  while True:
    yield z
    z = z**2 +c
for n, z in enumerate(sequence(c=1)):
  print(f'z({n}) = {z}')
  if n >= 9:
z(0) = 0
z(1) = 1
z(2) = 2
z(3) = 5
z(4) = 26
z(5) = 677
z(6) = 458330
z(7) = 210066388901
z(8) = 44127887745906175987802
z(9) = 1947270476915296449559703445493848930452791205
  • Most numbers will make this sequence diverge to infinity. \(\,\)However, \(\,\)some will keep it stable by either converging the sequence to a single value or staying within a bounded range. Others will make the sequence periodically stable by cycling back and forth between the same few values. Stable and periodically stable values make up the Mandelbrot set
for n, z in enumerate(sequence(c=0)):
  print(f'z({n}) = {z}')
  if n >= 9:
z(0) = 0
z(1) = 0
z(2) = 0
z(3) = 0
z(4) = 0
z(5) = 0
z(6) = 0
z(7) = 0
z(8) = 0
z(9) = 0
for n, z in enumerate(sequence(c=-1)):
  print(f'z({n}) = {z}')
  if n >= 9:
z(0) = 0
z(1) = -1
z(2) = 0
z(3) = -1
z(4) = 0
z(5) = -1
z(6) = 0
z(7) = -1
z(8) = 0
z(9) = -1
  • It’s not obvious which numbers are stable and which aren’t, \(\,\)because the formula is sensitive to even the smallest change of the tested value, \(c\)

  • The fractal corresponding to the Mandelbrot set has a finite area estimated at 1.506484 square units. Mathematicians haven’t pinpointed the exact number yet and don’t know whether it’s rational or not. On the other hand, the perimeter of the Mandelbrot set is infinite

L.2 Plotting the Mandelbrot Set Using Python’s Matplotlib

  • To generate the initial set of candidate values, \(~\)you can take advantage of np.linspace(), \(\,\)which creates evenly spaced numbers in a given range:
import numpy as np

def complex_matrix(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, pixel_density):
  re = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, int((xmax -xmin) *pixel_density))
  im = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, int((ymax -ymin) *pixel_density))

  return re[np.newaxis, :] + im[:, np.newaxis] *1j
def is_stable(c, num_iterations):
  z = 0
  for _ in range(num_iterations):
    z = z**2 +c
  return abs(z) <= 2

L.2.1 Low-Resolution Scatter Plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

c = complex_matrix(-2, 0.5, -1.5, 1.5, pixel_density=21)
members = c[is_stable(c, num_iterations=20)]

def plot_low_resolution_scatter():

  plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
  plt.scatter(members.real, members.imag, color='black', marker='x', s=1)

L.2.2 High-Resolution Black-and-White Visualization

c = complex_matrix(-2, 0.5, -1.5, 1.5, pixel_density=512)

def plot_high_resolution_black_and_white():
  plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
  plt.imshow(is_stable(c, num_iterations=20), cmap='binary')

L.3 Drawing the Mandelbrot Set With Pillow

  • By replacing Matplotlib’s plt.imshow() with a very similar call to Pillow’s factory method:

       image = Image.fromarray(~is_stable(c, num_iterations=20))
       #  # for console
       display(image)  # for jupyter notebook

    Notice the use of the bitwise not operator (~) in front of your stability matrix, \(\,\)which inverts all of the Boolean values. \(\,\)This is so that the Mandelbrot set appears in black on a white background since Pillow assumes a black background by default

L.3.1 Finding Convergent Elements of the Set

from dataclasses import dataclass

class MandelbrotSet:
  max_iterations: int

  def __contains__(self, c: complex) -> bool:
    z = 0
    for _ in range(self.max_iterations):
      z = z**2 +c
      if abs(z) > 2:
        return False     
    return True
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=30)
0.26 in mandelbrot_set
0.25 in mandelbrot_set

from PIL import Image

width, height = 512, 512
scale = 0.0055

image =, size=(width, height))

for y in range(height):
  for x in range(width):
    c = scale *complex(x -width /1.35, height /2 -y)
    image.putpixel((x, y), c not in mandelbrot_set)

L.3.2 Measuring Divergence With the Escape Count

  • The number of iterations it takes to detect divergence is known as the escape count. \(\,\)We can use the escape count to introduce multiple levels of gray

  • However, \(\,\)it’s usually more convenient to deal with normalized escape counts so that their values are on a scale from zero to one regardless of the maximum number of iterations

class MandelbrotSet:

  max_iterations: int

  def __contains__(self, c: complex) -> bool:
    return self.stability(c) == 1

  def stability(self, c: complex) -> float:
    return self.escape_count(c) /self.max_iterations

  def escape_count(self, c: complex) -> int:
    z = 0
    for iteration in range(self.max_iterations):
      z = z**2 +c
      if abs(z) > 2:
        return iteration
    return self.max_iterations
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=30)
0.25 in mandelbrot_set
0.26 in mandelbrot_set
  • The updated implementation of the MandelbrotSet class allows for a grayscale visualization, which ties pixel intensity with stability

  • But you’ll need to change the pixel mode to L, \(\,\)which stands for luminance. \(\,\)In this mode, \(\,\)each pixel takes an integer value between 0 and 255, \(\,\)so you’ll also need to scale the fractional stability appropriately:

width, height = 512, 512
scale = 0.0055

image =, size=(width, height))

for y in range(height):
  for x in range(width):
    c = scale *complex(x -width /1.35, height /2 -y)
    instability = 1 -mandelbrot_set.stability(c)
    image.putpixel((x, y), int(instability *255))

L.3.3 Smoothing Out the Banding Artifacts

  • Getting rid of color banding from the Mandelbrot set’s exterior boils down to using fractional escape counts.

  • One way to interpolate their intermediate values is to use logarithms

from math import log

class MandelbrotSet:
  max_iterations: int
  escape_radius: float = 2.0

  def __contains__(self, c: complex) -> bool:
    return self.stability(c) == 1
  def stability(self, c: complex, smooth=False, clamp=True) -> float:
    value = self.escape_count(c, smooth) /self.max_iterations
    return max(0.0, min(value, 1.0)) if clamp else value    

  def escape_count(self, c: complex, smooth=False) -> int or float:
    z = 0
    for iteration in range(self.max_iterations):
      z = z**2 +c
      if abs(z) > self.escape_radius:
        if smooth:
          return iteration +1 -log(log(abs(z))) /log(2)
        return iteration
    return self.max_iterations
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=20, escape_radius=1000.0)

width, height = 512, 512
scale = 0.0055

image =, size=(width, height))
for y in range(height):
  for x in range(width):
    c = scale *complex(x -width /1.35, height /2 -y)
    instability = 1 -mandelbrot_set.stability(c, smooth=True)
    image.putpixel((x, y), int(instability *255))

L.3.4 Translating Between Set Elements and Pixels

  • Unlike the logarithms before, \(\,\)the math for scaling and translating the image isn’t terribly difficult. However, \(\,\)it adds a bit of code complexity

  • You can build a smart pixel data type that’ll encapsulate the conversion between the coordinate systems, account for scaling, and handle the colors

class Viewport:
  image: Image.Image
  center: complex
  width: float
  def scale(self):
    return self.width /self.image.width        

  def height(self):
    return self.scale *self.image.height

  def offset(self):
    return +complex(-self.width, self.height) /2

  def __iter__(self):
    for y in range(self.image.height):
      for x in range(self.image.width):
        yield Pixel(self, x, y)
class Pixel:

  viewport: Viewport
  x: int
  y: int

  def color(self):
    return self.viewport.image.getpixel((self.x, self.y))

  def color(self, value):
    self.viewport.image.putpixel((self.x, self.y), value)

  def __complex__(self):
    return complex(self.x, -self.y) *self.viewport.scale +self.viewport.offset
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=256, escape_radius=1000.0)

image ='L', size=(512, 512))
for pixel in Viewport(image, center=-0.7435 +0.1314j, width=0.002):
  c = complex(pixel)
  instability = 1 -mandelbrot_set.stability(c, smooth=True)
  pixel.color = int(instability *255)
  • The viewport spans 0.002 world units and is centered at -0.7435 +0.1314j, \(\,\)which is close to a Misiurewicz point that produces a beautiful spiral

from PIL import ImageEnhance

enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)

  • We can find many more unique points producing such spectacular results. \(\,\)Wikipedia hosts an entire image gallery of various details of the Mandelbrot set that are worth exploring
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=256, escape_radius=1000.0)

image ='L', size=(512, 512))
for pixel in Viewport(image, center=-0.74364990 +0.13188204j, width=0.00073801):
  c = complex(pixel)
  instability = 1 -mandelbrot_set.stability(c, smooth=True)
  pixel.color = int(instability *255)
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)

L.4 Making an Artistic Representation of the Mandelbrot Set

L.4.1 Color Palette

  • To use more colors, \(\,\)you’ll need to create your image in the RGB mode first, \(\,\)which will allocate 24 bits per pixel:

       image ='RGB', size=(width, height))
  • From now on, \(\,\)Pillow will represent every pixel as a tuple comprised of the red, green, and blue (RGB) color channels

  • Matplotlib library includes several colormaps with normalized color channels. \(\,\)Some colormaps are fixed lists of colors, \(\,\)while others are able to interpolate values given as a parameter


colormap ='twilight').colors
[[0.8857501584075443, 0.8500092494306783, 0.8879736506427196],
 [0.8837852019553906, 0.8507294054031063, 0.8872322209694989],
 [0.8817223105928579, 0.8512759407765347, 0.8863805692551482],
 [0.8795410528270573, 0.8516567540749572, 0.8854143767924102],
 [0.8772488085896548, 0.8518702833887027, 0.8843412038131143]]
  • Pillow only understands integers in the range of 0 through 255 for the color channels. \(\,\)We need another function that’ll reverse the normalization process to make the Pillow library happy:
def denormalize(colormap):
  return [tuple(int(channel *255) for channel in color) for color in colormap]

palette = denormalize(colormap)
[(225, 216, 226),
 (225, 216, 226),
 (224, 217, 226),
 (224, 217, 225),
 (223, 217, 225)]
  • The twilight colormap is a list of 510 colors. \(\,\)After calling denormalize() on it, \(\,\)you’ll get a color palette suitable for your painting function

  • If you’d like to test out a couple of different palettes, \(\,\)then it might be convenient to introduce a helper function to avoid retyping the same commands over and over again:

def paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth):
  for pixel in viewport:
    stability = mandelbrot_set.stability(complex(pixel), smooth)
    index = int(min(stability *len(palette), len(palette) -1))
    pixel.color = palette[index % len(palette)]
  • The number of colors in your palette doesn’t necessarily have to equal the maximum number of iterations. \(\,\)After all, it’s unknown how many stability values there’ll be until we run the recursive formula. \(\,\)When we enable smoothing, \(\,\)the number of fractional escape counts can be greater than the number of iterations!
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=512, escape_radius=1000.0)
image ='RGB', size=(512, 512))
viewport = Viewport(image, center=-0.7435 +0.1314j, width=0.002)
paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth=True)


  • Feel free to try other color palettes included in Matplotlib or one of the third-party libraries that they mention in the documentation. \(\,\)Additionally, \(\,\)Matplotlib lets you reverse the color order by appending the _r suffix to a colormap’s name
colormap ='twilight_r').colors
palette = denormalize(colormap)
paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth=True)


image ='RGB', size=(768, 768))
viewport = Viewport(image, center=-0.743643135 +0.131825963j, width= 0.000014628)

colormap ="plasma").colors
palette = denormalize(colormap)
paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth=True)


  • Suppose you wanted to emphasize the fractal’s edge. In such a case, you can divide the fractal into three parts and assign different colors to each:
exterior = [(1, 1, 1)] *50
interior = [(1, 1, 1)] *5
gray_area = [(1 - i /44,) *3 for i in range(45)]
palette = denormalize(exterior +gray_area +interior)

mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=20, escape_radius=1000.0)
viewport = Viewport(image, center=-0.75, width=2.5)

paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth=True)


L.4.2 Color Gradient

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

def make_gradient(colors, interpolation='linear'):

  X = [i /(len(colors) -1) for i in range(len(colors))]
  Y = [[color[i] for color in colors] for i in range(3)]
  channels = [interp1d(X, y, kind=interpolation) for y in Y]
  return lambda x: [np.clip(channel(x), 0, 1) for channel in channels]
black  = (0, 0, 0)
blue   = (0, 0, 1)
maroon = (0.5, 0, 0)
navy   = (0, 0, 0.5)
red    = (1, 0, 0)

colors = [black, navy, blue, maroon, red, black]
gradient = make_gradient(colors, interpolation='cubic')
num_colors = 256
palette = denormalize([gradient(i /num_colors) for i in range(num_colors)])
image ='RGB', size=(768, 768))
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=20, escape_radius=1000)
viewport = Viewport(image, center=-0.75, width=2.5)

paint(mandelbrot_set, viewport, palette, smooth=True)


L.4.3 Color Model

  • There are alternative color models that let you express the same concept. \(\,\)One is the Hue, Saturation, Brightness (HSB) color model, also known as Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV)

Hue Saturation Brightness Cylinder
  • The three HSB coordinates are:

    • Hue: The angle measured counterclockwise between and 360°
    • Saturation: The radius of the cylinder between 0% and 100%
    • Brightness: The height of the cylinder between 0% and 100%

    To use such coordinates in Pillow, \(~\)we must translate them to a tuple of RGB values in the familiar range of 0 to 255:

from PIL.ImageColor import getrgb

def hsb(hue_degrees: int, saturation: float, brightness: float):
  return getrgb( 
    f"hsv({hue_degrees % 360},"
    f"{saturation *100}%,"
    f"{brightness *100}%)"

image ='RGB', size=(768, 768))
mandelbrot_set = MandelbrotSet(max_iterations=20, escape_radius=1000.0)

for pixel in Viewport(image, center=-0.75, width=2.5):
  stability = mandelbrot_set.stability(complex(pixel), smooth=True)
  pixel.color = (0, 0, 0) if stability == 1 else hsb(
    hue_degrees=int((1 - stability) * 360),
    saturation=1 - stability,


L.5 Conclusions

  • In this appendix, \(\,\)we learned how to:

    • Apply complex numbers to a practical problem
    • Find members of the Mandelbrot set
    • Draw these sets as fractals using Matplotlib and Pillow
    • Make a colorful artistic representation of the fractals

    Now we know how to use Python to plot and draw the famous fractal discovered by Benoît Mandelbrot